hello you alls :) topik kuw hari tuk ialah 'kenak aku?' hmmmm .and ada sik tangga pic SPONGEBOB atas ya ? kiuts ouhh .heee :D okok ,back to our main topik :) pituk cer ny actually ,kuw dh SINGLE gik .hmm ,ku ada rasa mcm2 jakk ,half sedeh half happy .sektauk lah kenak ,kuw pun siktauk .okok ,heran nk yg kuw couple ,kuw pun ngkah status kuw lam fb yrr SINGLE .kuw malas bh mok ngkah2 whutsoever la sebab da hal bh .malas ku mok cer ,banyak urg memorets lak bh .haaa xD kuw lekak break gan mr***** senanya ,ny mintak bh .p kuw terimak jk :) mekduak just b'tahan just for one week (23/1/2011 - 28/1/2011) haha! skejap ouh ,p kuw gan mr.Y ya lebeh gik .duak hari jak ya pun kuw dikpun yg mintak bh .okok ,back~ mok tauk pahal kuw break gn mr.***** yr ? hmmm ,malas kuw mok cerita ehs .perut kuw tuk lapar bh .actlly ,kuw nang dh rancang mok break gn ny bh tpi ny lok mntk .ngeeeee :) its good then .yg kuw sedeh tukk ,huishhhhhhh ;( knak aku harus jadi MANGSA .dlm bab2 sinta-sinta tuk eyh .suma mok maenkan perasaan aku jakk .GERAM sa ati kuw tuk eyhhhhh! kenak aku ? kenak aku ? kenakkkkkkkk ? kenak sik org laen ? hmmm ,daknya sik paham ka mun hati dipermainkan ? coba daknya yg rasa gak .huishhhhhh! sak kita mena2 gan dakny p dakny bersambel lewa jakk .sik PALOI pya ! yahhh! ya kuw malas mok bercouple-couple tukk .just wasting my time ! right ? better kuw blajar lok bok bersinta-sintun :) betol sik ?haha ,sak kuw dikpun bercouple lakk ,yahhhhhhh! kuw mesti belajar mena this year sebab sik lamak gik turn aku bh .turn apa ? PMR bh ! ishhhhh ,sik takut takrg? kuw agiklahhhhh~ sekpa2 ,gik da msa bh mok study bebena .thats y lah mama n ayah siksuroh aku on9 time sch week .for kebaikan aku jwk bh .betol sik ? hee .BAH ,kuw mupok lok .sekda idea mok padah apa gik ,mata aku dh ngantokkk .bubbyes alls :) love ya!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
hmmmm :(
Saturday, January 22, 2011
my girl yg santekkk
hello guys :) sihat ? lamak kuw sik on9 oiii .hmmmm ,rindu kuw gan blog and facebook kuw yarrr .tedah~ terbengap jakk cya =.=' ngekkkks! kuw rarely on9 now oiii ;( ya mama and ayah kuw yarr ,daknya padah
on9 time weekends jak .huishhhhhh-.-' sekpa jak lah~ BERSABAR :D okok ,topik kuw malam tukk ialah 'My Girl Yg Santekkk' heee ;) i liokeeeeeeeee .okey ,da sik tangga pics santekkk yarrr .ngeeeeee ^^ santek nya hoo ;D gerek kuw yarrrr .haha! sekda la~ p/s - soe mye ,kmk curi pics ktk :D hahah ! umur nya ? sama gan kuw la .sch ?sma jwk gan kuw .tunggah jak mye ;) okok ,actually kuw dh lamak kenal nya .hehe ,sma sch bh .kuw suka tangga muka nya ,santekkk gegilang babengggggggg! haha ,pa jawk ka-.-' pa yang penting kuw SAYAU nya gegilakkkkk ! kuw dh anggap nya sebagai kakak kuw .heee ;) ny tuk baet oi ,sik sombong ,santek gik yrrr n mcm2 gik yg polah kuw suka bergaol gan nya ;)) p sayang kuw sik sama kelas gan nya ;( hmmm ,sekpa3 ,at least mekduak still berkaban .hehe ;DD okey ,im not in mood now ;( before that kuw mok padah .dontchu all ever disturbs her! or else i'll kick ur ass or boops ~! haha! lol btw ,mye .kmk sayang kitak ketat-ketat ouhh .hope persahabatan kita tuk kekal smpei hayat kmk :) kmk ada 3 last words untuk ktk I LOVE YOU sygg :) bah! mupok lok kuw ,byeeeeeeee .tc! love u guys ketat2 !
Monday, January 17, 2011
? *question marks*

hello peeps :) how are you guys today ? me ? fine :D okey ,today tajuk aku ialah -----'? *question marks* hmmm .pa jawk ka ? haha! actually ,i hv no idea for my title today so i just put ? only .lol :P okok ,mun takurg nangga pics atas yarrr ,knfm pelik kan ? aku snanya 'confuse' thats y kuw ngkah pics tuk but mcm sekda kaitan jak gn 'confuse'ness' kuw tuk hoo .haha! okok ,crita kuw today its all about yesterday .time yrr GEO ,kuw kejut Cikgu Tiong yg msok kelas kmkurg but bukan Cikgu Sitieh .hmmmm ,nang heran kuw time yrrr ,plus palak kuw penin ;( adoyaiiiiii ,then ny padah yg ny akan ngaja kmkurg GEO and how bout Cikgu Sitieh ? hmmmm ,maybe nya dh x tahan gek ngaja mekurg kli .kuw sik pasti laaa~ then nya suroh mekurg salin nota yg rh papan hitam yrrr so kuw salin jak lah .kelak alu manas ny lak .haha ! kuw tangga JJ mcm bad mood jak .so kuw nanyak lah gn nya 'whut happen ? kuw tangga kwu badmood jak' then ny jawab ,'hmmmm ,da somthing kuw mok padah gan kwu tuk .important!' huishhh ,kuw alu kejut .ae ,pa nk important ilak ya kah ? hmmm ,then 'nkpa ?padah jak gan kuw .kwu da probs aa .share2 laaa~' kasya nya 'sik~ hmmm ,susah kuw mok padah knek .esok jak k ,pribadi ilak bh .kwu and family kuw jak twuk hal tuwk' then kuw x puas hati so kuw nanyak ny again and again p nya still madah 'esok jak' huishhhh-.-' apa gik aku ,lu manas la~ hahah! *paloi* then kuw suroh ny berik kuw 'clue' hmmm .ttiba jak ny padah 'lekak kuw pulang dri hospital esok kuw madah' pa gik aku ,'whut the fuck! pa kwu padah >??' kuw nang terkejuttttt ! nya ,'hmmm ,sekda papa' so apa gik '? *question marks* timbul ! huhhhhhh =.=' then cikgu kaong 'THOSE AT THE BACK THEREEEEEEE !' alu stop lah kmkduak kaka .huishhhhh !kaco na cikgu yrrr ,tampa palak~! haha .kuw bingong lalu time yarrr ,plus kuw tangga mata JJ dh beraek .pa kes tukkkk ?astagarrrrrrrrrrrrr~ ttiba jak JJ nyanyi lagu 'Saat Terakhir' alu nangis kuw babi ! ngenang si'old brand yrrr .BERSABAR :D jakk .hmmmmmm ;( okok ,back to our story ,pkiey2 kuw mesti ada yg sik kenak tukk .then ,nya padah hal tuk menyakitkan hati kuw gan nya . ?? apa ?! huhuhu :'( sekpa kuw nantik jak ny padah hari tuk lahhh .sumpah !kuw still bingong tukk :( hmmm ,pa jawk ka ? okok ,kuw mok bersiap g sch lok .k ,daaaaaaa~ tatatititut :P bye guys .tc aa ! jgn nakal2 !
Saturday, January 15, 2011
nyawa kuw :D
hello peeps ! ;D pa kaba you alls ? okey ,topik aku ialah -----> 'nyawa kuw' ngeeeee ^^ paloi na topik aku hari tuk ouh .haha! nyawa yg aku maksudkan bukannya gerek or whutsoever .heyy ,im single now ,so sekda lah nyawa2 yg aku maksudkan ya ialah maknusia =.=' okok ,ada sik tangga pics atas yarrr .gelang yrr lah nyawa aku! aha :D mok tauk knak ,sebab~ aku SAYAU gegilakk gn gelang aku tuk .cni kuw pegi mesti ada nya ditangan aku :) aku salu makiey ny ,nang salu ^^ ngeeeee .sbab kuw sayang an ny lah aku salu makey ny .yahhh! haha ,pa jawk ka! k ,you alls mok tauk sik ,ada satu incident happen to gelang kesayau kuw tuk .time aku still pom1 *last year* as usually ,mr.yong akan ronda2 time mok pulang .maybe dalam 5 something pya lah ,knfm ada jawk tangga palak ny jak-jak melimpas .haha! kasya tek ,time yarr sc .mekurg sik pegi lab sbab apa ouh ? hmmm ,lupak kuw oi .haha! okok ,back to our story .kasya nak ,aku nang terkejut gila babi! kotan layap tangga cikgu rah depan p pkiran melayang! haha ,alu sik sedar ada mr.yong .akaiiiiiii! kejut aku nya tangga aku then nya nunggah cikgu sc mekurg .kimennnnn-.-' lastly ,ny nunggah aku rh blakang .shuishhhhhhh-.-' ny padah yg knak aku makiey gelang tuk lekak ya ny pdh ny sekmok tangga aku makiey gelang gik . kimennnnnnnnnnnnnn! tampa palak~ haha! nang geram aku time ya bh .berik kuw gelang kuw gan ny tek ,ceramah punya ceramah alu sik jadi ny mok rampas gelang aku! hahah! tedahhh=.=' then dengan happy nya aku ,aku balit lah rah tempat dudok yrrr .pa gik dak kawan2 aku yrrr ,nanyak .pa hal2? kamboh 1class ! aisehhhhhhh xD walaupapapun ,aku tetap sayang gegilak gn gelang aku ya no matter what! aku sik kan biarkan orang laen rampas nya and sebelom pukek takurg ilang ,bgus takurg jangan rampas keyh?! haha! paloi na jwkkkk bunyi kuw .bagey lah org mok ilak rampas gelang kuw yrrr ^^ haha! dah-dah aku stop ctuk jak k .ya jak yg mampu kuw luahkan now .mupok lok aku oii ;D bye ^_________________^ tc ! love u guys a lot! F U L L S T O P !:D
Thursday, January 13, 2011
pening palak
hmmm .hell to the o peeps ;) aku rindu gan kitakurg ouh ! haha xD *pa jawk ka* okok ,back to our main topic .topik aku hari tukk is 'pening palak' siyes-.-' kuw madah mna tuk ,palak aku nang pening now .ntah lah ,knak . hmmm ,maybe sbab aku men hujan kali .haha! lam kelas yesterday aku nang sekda mood mok blajar n molah hmwrk .huishhh=.=` palak aku pening bh ;( ne gaya mok poah ouh .maybe aku need rest ckit kli ,gpun aku salu tdo aher jwk bh .hope aku sembuh cepat2 .amin~ pray untuk aku jwk aa .hehe! ;D grrrr ,dahla hmwrk banyak! huhuhu :( awal first sch dh banyak hmwrk ni sik palak kin pening .dah lah aku letih tukkk .huhuh ;'( k ,ya jak kuw mok padah .need to iron baju sch kuw lok .k ,tc peeps ;) tatatittut ^^
G O O D B Y E :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
L O V E itu C I N T A C I N T A itu L O V E
smalam aku mata aku kembang oii :( knak ?apa lah agik mun bukan tido akhir and nangis .actually aku menagis sebab teringat gn 2 ikok apek tukk T.T sabar jakkk .hmmm ,smalam aku on9 sbb mok chek notifications bh .lekak ya ,aku msok YOUTUBE mok crik lagu baru k blog aku tukk .apa macam ?bout lagu blog baru ku tuk ?jiwang ouh .HAHA! aku tuk sik abis2 jiwang2 ,aisehhhhh menn .lekak yarrr aku nemu video .video yrr nang besttttttt .aku LIKE! twuk x? mun takurg tangga video tuk ,knfm akan nagis .macam aku ,aku lekak tangga alu nangis .berulang kali aku tangga video yrrrr T.T mok tangga kah? jappp a ,mesti nangis lak .msok ktk urg tukkkkk ------>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH7DtMueqo4 *link video*
mun ktkurg malas mok tgga video yrrr ,aku jak story mory kt ktkurg .okeyyy ,nma tajuk video yrrr 'Saya Sayang Awak' okok ,mula2 lok .ada tek sepasang couple .suishhhhhh-.-' susah ku mok xplen gn takurg eyh bout crita ya .aku alu nangis oi :'( k ,aku just mbik words2 yarrr jak k .lak paham2 lak ktkurg sal crita yarrr .
mun ktkurg malas mok tgga video yrrr ,aku jak story mory kt ktkurg .okeyyy ,nma tajuk video yrrr 'Saya Sayang Awak' okok ,mula2 lok .ada tek sepasang couple .suishhhhhh-.-' susah ku mok xplen gn takurg eyh bout crita ya .aku alu nangis oi :'( k ,aku just mbik words2 yarrr jak k .lak paham2 lak ktkurg sal crita yarrr .
hari tu kita gaduh ,saya main-main
awak ingat betul-betul ,
tak tahu nak buat mcam mna lagi .
semalam kita berselisih ,
saya nampak awak ,
saya nak panggil awak ,
tapi awak tak toleh
sebab saya panggil awak dalam hati
BODOH nya saya
awak tegur saya but
saya buat donno
tapi awak tak tahu happy nye saya
saya dengar awak cerita
awak kata dah jatuh cinta
sedihnyerr saya ;(
awak keluar tengok wayang
saya pun T.T
awak keluar dengan dia
saya tengok aje
awak call saya ,
mengacau betol
saya layankan aje
awak cakap awak dah putus
saya senyum sampai ke telinga
tapi awak tak nampak
saya cakap
'kesiannya awak'
hiprokitnya saya .haha!
hari ni hari jadi saya ,tapi awak lupa
saya sedih ,tapi takpe
saya sedar saya bukan sesiapapun pada awak
awak minta maaf ,saya buat-buat jual mahal
tapi lepas tuh saya cakap tak kisah lahh
awak belanja tengok Avatar
ishhhh ,tak romantik betol
tapi BEST apa! haha
awak dapat bunga ,awak cakapcantik betul
awak suke sangat ,tapi awak tak tahu sape pengrimnya
saya nampak ?saya terus balik
aduhh ,saya cemburu ke ?
awak panggil saya
tapi saya tak toleh
awak cuma nak bagitahu
awak kejar saya ,saya terus jalan
awak tolak saya ,saya jatuh
awak nampak lori ,betul-betul depan awak
kalau la sempat ,saya nak bagitahu
'AWAK . . .
T___________T yahhh !pya lah crita ny tekk .alu nagis kuw bodo! haha ,emo na kuw ri tuk ehs .haha! kesian ouh tangga ompuan yrrr :( huhuh .okok ,stop nangis! ya jak aku mok crita gn ktkurg .k dadaaa~ bye <3 lobe u guys so muchhhhh .ku mok chawww lok .tc oii!
Monday, January 10, 2011
aku dah promise gn kwu yg aku akan nantik kwu sampei bila-bila bah .aku akan nantik kwu :'( hampei setahun aku pendam perasaan aku tuk terhadap kwu bh :( so ,aku baruk jk ri yarr luahkan kt kwu p akhirnya . . . . sekpa jak lah ,aku hanya mampu bersabar jak .aku sanggup nantik kwu sampei kwu single bh :( i hope one day nya akan terimak aku .aku sayang nya gegilak bh .okeylah ,aku stop ctuk jak .k BYE *not in mood now* :(
PALOI ! :'(
H e l l to the O peeps :D
PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“AfterMarch 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”
Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”
Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website beforeMarch 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.

15 march 2011 lak ,alu mampus fb lak .huhuhuhu :'( nangis aku babi! yahhh! coba lah sik
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
Zuckerberg said that the decision to
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before
ada sik bca nok atas yarrr ?huishhh -.-' aku nang terkejut gila babi lekak dengar yarr .
ku alu nangis dengar berita yarrr .huhuhu ;( sedihh ku doe .aku gk sayau gegilak an fb
akuw tuk ,aku sik sanggup tinggalkan fb aku tuk oii *paloi da jawk bunyi* hahah .ishhhh
sekpa lah ,at least dakny ada merik peluang nk ,nsib ada beberapa bulan gk .mun bulan
jadi kohhh .hmmm ,ne gaya nak polah .dh dakny ngenjet ilak mok shutdown fb tukk .
sabar jak lah gik :'( sekpat aku mok on9 gik lak ,sekpat lak aku carik kawang2 baru lak
sekpat lah aku mok upload2 gik pics paloi aku yrrr ,sekpat lah aku mok wall2 gn kawang
aku gk lak ,sekpat lah aku mok comment2 and likes2 pics kawang-kawang aku lak ,sekpat
lah aku mok add2 org gk lak ,sekpat lah aku mok chat2 gn org lak .semuanya sekpat2
pa jawk ka? -.-' mesti aku boring lak ,pa jak lah mok dpolah lak ouh .men game ? huish
B-o-r-i-n-g dohh .apa lah ouh ? alu meran hidup aku lak oi :( ampey jwk bunyi aku yrrr
astagerrrrr~ banyak na org mok tinggalkan aku eyh . 'oi ,ktkurg sik sayang gn aku gk ka?
huhuhuhu :'( ' adoyaiiiiiiiiiii *CRYING* stoppp! dahhh2~ aku mok OFF lok ,sekda mood
mok crta2 panjang2 .k ,bye .TC! FULLSTOP! tatatitittutu
before that aku ada last words ctukk .
Sunday, January 9, 2011
i feel alone ;(
hello peeps ;) ktkurg sihat ?dh makan ?lmk dh aku sik nenga brita takurg kohhh .aku miss jwk bh !haha
lam beberapa hari tuk aku jarang mok on9 :( hmwrk banyak bh .hmmmm dh lah lmk ku sik update
blog aku tukk .kkdang miss juak kuw bab sik salu ngabas blog kuw tuk bh :) aku jarang mok dulik
blog aku gk now .p/s *blog* : 'sorrryy sygs ,fyzah bukan nya sombong p Fyzah bz ilak bh .plus fyzah
now salu sekda mood ,Fyzah salu nangis .mcm2 nimpak Fyzah .Fyzah sa mcm mok nangis jak! kk :/'
*tang sowt kuw yrrrr* HAHA! okok ,tajuk aku hari tuk ialah 'i feel alone' jiwang ouh bunyi kuw now
okey ,aku nang ALONE gila babi now .lamak jwk ku sik couple me-maple tukk .kkdang
malas jwk bh .bagi aku now laki suma sama! dakny sik kurang sik lebeh ,salu nyakit hati
rempuan jak .sak hati jak !hmmm ,siyes ku padah .kuw nektuk jarang mok accept cinta urg ,aku
sik cayak ilak gn laki bh .bagi aku dakny yarr just suka mainkan perasaan kita jk bh .
kta tuk mcm permainan jak .hmmm ,nway ,aku bersabar :D jak tukk . lepas aku break gn
'old brand' yrrr .aku nang frusted bh ,smpei hati ku mcm half tutup .bak kta urg putih cam prison
jakk .btw ,ktk urg mesti tertanyak2 spa ndak ka 'old brand' di maksud kan aku yrrr .
heee ,nya yarr *&#%@ aku lokk bh .sys nonoe jak twuk spa ny bh .plus sys nonoe dkpun
yg brik gelaran bh .HAHA! ntahlah ,siktauk kuw knak .yg ku heran time aku couple2 lok
sekda kuw pya ilak ,mun lekak break gn urg ku cm besa jak bh .sik lalek ilak .trimak
jakk but now sik ;( hmmm .pa jakk ka ! kasya kuw kedirik2 jak then aku rasa cm alone jak
rupa kuw sorang jak idup lam dunia tuk ehs .paloi ! huhuhu :'( aku bersabar jak lah gik ouh .
tentu ada hikmah disebalit tuk bh . 'BERSABAR :D' hmmmm ,bah !ku mupok lok .k daaa~
BYE ! hope ktkurg enjoy gan topik aku hari tukk .jiwang jak2 kja kue tuk .baet takurg sik lejuk ka?
haha! kakit ku cita2 nok best2 k ;D *tang mna jak bunyi ouh .k ,dadadiddudu
F U L L S T O P ;D
Saturday, January 8, 2011
YARRR ?HMMM *question mark*
m i s s ilak-ilak
*pasan lok* mcb-.-'
p/s : paloi na bunyi aku yarrr! hahah! manjak lu
jak bunyi .hahah! ku nang sekda mood bh
hari tuk .huhu ;( k ,aku mok chaww lokk!
F U LL S T O P ! !!
Monday, January 3, 2011
My BIGsys :))

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Capekk -.-'
hell-ouh peeps :D korang sihat ? aku ? sihat jeee .hahah ! okey ,topik aku hari nihh ialah 'Capekk -.-'' hmmm ,npew ?heran ke ? heeee ,actually .capekk yg aku mean dalam topik aku ,snanya words tuhh dlm bhsa INDON .ngeee><> is letih ,penat ,lelah ,tired or whutsoever laa-.-' ada paham ?law paham ,GOOD! aku tabik ngkau ! *aisehhhh men* btw ,soe topik aku hari nihh bout the pass k ,not today (1/1/2011) but bout yesterday (31-12-2010) gpun ,aku takde idea nk letak topik aku hari nihh ,pkieyk punyerr pkieyk aku pun taruh jeee 'Capekk-.-'' baruk stail bh ;) okeyyy ,back to our main topic .aku smalam memang 'Capekk Giled Babed' perghhhh xD mula2 aku bangun dari tidur gpun smadi mama yg gerakkan aku .mama -'Fyzah ,Fyzah ,bangun gekk! dh aher dh jam yrrr' aku -'hoooooooooo*menguap* aokkkk ,kak kit kmk bangun ma .*actually time tuhh aku tgh b'mimpi tau tpi FULLSTOP sbb mama gerak aku ,ngeeeee .after that ,aku continue tdo .hahah! then ,mama pun ketok pintu blek aku blit ,fuyohhhh ,b'gegar katil aku tau x *joking* then ,pa bleh buat ?mama dh naik hanginn ,bangun jerrr lahh mayb esok cont dreaming lagi ^^ .plus kpale aku penin ,ngantok lagik yrrr .huishhhhh +__+' sekpa2 ,aku still ingat pesanan sys nana ceng aku ,pa2 pun ,aku need to 'BERSABAR :D' jakk .hmmmm ,okeyy .lpastuhhh ,aku pun pegi bilik aer nak mandi bh .lpas mandi ,aku tengokk tb dgn adik aku .mama pun panggil aku ,then aku turun ke bwah ,bekpes punye bekpes .aku gurin2 dkat sofa smbil tengok cite katon .hahah ! mama pun suruh aku kemaskan bilik aku yg bersepah tuhh .hehe ,honestly ,aku ckp .aku nihh memang PEMALAS! haha! penyakit M yg belom ada penwar lagi .mule2 aku memang 'engka' .hahah ! *KANTOI!* aku still dkat bawah tengok tb ,lastly aku terkejuttttttttttttt .haha! npew ?mama ,Mama teriak - Fyzahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !ae2 ,klak ko tgga tb yrrr polah lok apa yg mama suroh tdik !dh kemas x blit kwu yrrr ? dr tdik dh mama nunggah kwu ,sek jwk nyaut2 . . . . and bla bla .bah ,malas aku nk tulis manyak2 ,gpun tak cukup punyerrrr .hahah! she's bla bla bla bla and aku still rh dbah tgga tb .even ,mama aku dkt atas blik but sora nya jelas kedengaran dkt bawah .heeeee then ,mama teriakkkk lagi .haha! yg part nihh lagi lah kuattt memang POWER lahhh ,perghhhhhhh! mama - NURHAFYZAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! aku pun cepat2 naek atas ! hahah xD korang tau tak ,lintang pukang aku lari time tuhh .lawakkkkk xD lastly ,aku kemas jgak bilik aku tuhh .huhuhu ;( letihhhh tau x ?! LETIH ! L-E-T-I-H ! kemas punye kemas ,aku pun rehat kjap .LETIH GILED BABED ! aku pun on9 kejapp ,then on9 .and aku ato kejap Blog aku nihh ,makin hari mkin CACAT! hahah xD 'knak ktk berolah ilak b?' :3 backkkkk ,ayah pun ajak aku jalan sbb nk beli kasut baru skolah and stationery baru .ngeeee ^^ actually ,aku still belum beli kasut skolah baru and stationery .hmmm ,ksian kn aku nihh ;( huhuhu :'( *yerrrrrrr* baju skolah dh siap d'buat then cume still left kasut skolah lgi :/ wakakka ! okeyy ,aku pun terus mandi and bersiap .yeahhhhhhh \m/ ayah pun plan beli dkat Sing Kwong Baru .heeeee ,btw ,aku memang gelar Sing Kwong dkat Salem mcm tuhh bh .pelek kan ,gelaran tuhhh .Sing Kwong Lamak ? hahah! ayah memang suke beli barang dkat ctu ,harga pun berpatutan plus banyak pilihan tau tak ,aisehhhh *promote* chehhhhhh! = =` first ,kteorg pegi dkat Bata ,aku cari lah kasut aku sendiri .lpas jumpe ,then beli lahh .tunggu ape lagiii .aku just beli 2pasang kasut jerrr ;( huhuh ,sekpa2 .gpun ayah say yg die nk save bajet bh .yerrrrrrrr ^^ pilihan tepat aku North Star ! hahah xD then jalan punye jalan ,perut aku pun smpat buat 'konsert' huhuhu :/ act ,aku lapar ! hahah! perut aku time tuhh ,tak renti2 nk nyanyi jeee .huish! mama and ayah pun bwe aku makang dkat 'pizza hut' .akhirnyerrrrr ,stop jgak perut aku buat konsert .hahah! then ,lpas perut kenyang makang ,kteorang pegi dkat Farley .hehe ,gpun Farley tak jaoh jgak dr Sing Kwong Lamak bh ^^ then ,jalan punye jalan .aku pun LETIH ! huhuh :/ spe tak letih kan ? law tak letih ,memang bukan manusia lahh .hmmm ,then aku smpat jgak beli baju ,baju biase jerrr .ngeeeee >< 'Tengkiuk Mama :DD mama baettttttt ilak2' .smadi jee mama beli ,gpun aku yg bodek mama .hahah! bruk puas hati aku ,yerrrrr .aku memang ,law aku pgi jalan wajib beli something !heee ,law aku pulang dengan tangan kosong ,hmmm ,hampa lah hati aku nihh .hehe ,then kiteorang pun pulang .lpas pulang aku pun plan nk pegi Bandong .ngeeeee ><> BERSABAR :D chehhhhhhhhhhh! okeyyy ,first2 kteorg cari tempat parking .btw ,law mama nk parking ,mama just park dkat 'rumah maksak' jeeeeer ,takyah lah lgi2 nk susah2 cri tempat parking ,Kan Kan Kan ? yeahhhhh ^^ plus ,mama pun park dkat sne time mama kerja .okeyy set ,BACKkkk ! kteorg pun jalan2 .aku takde mood snanya ,aku takut aku terjumpe dye ,nanti mcm mne ?huhuhuhu ;( law boleh aku taknak lahh sbab law aku tangok dye hati aku smaking sakit .tau tak ? S-A-K-I-T :'( hurtttttttttttt ,u get it ?! :/ aku pun doa2 ,takan jumpe dye .hmmm ,then aku pusin2 dkat dtaran tuhhh before tunggu pkol 12 .motif abang aku nk pgi snanya ,die nk tengokk mercun jeee and ambek gambaaaaa! hahah! lpastuuhhhh ,aku KEJUT ! npew ewk ?hmmmm :/ muka aku terus pucat smacam jerrrrrr .tak tau lah ,npew plak .ttbe jerrrr ;( aku nebes tak takk ,but why ?why ? why ?aku peleklah ! aku Keliru tak tak ? husihhh !aku jumpe dye lahhh ,awwwww! law tak silap aku lahh .plus aku knal sgat rupe dye bh ,sepa tak knal kan ? aisehhhhhhh XD aku pun try nk lari ,fuhhhh-.-' akhirnyerrrrrr .huhuhuhu :( but ,npew aku sad lpas tuhh .act ,aku MISS dye sgt2 .aku nk jumpe dye .aku MISS sgt2 dkat dye .huhuhuhuh T__________________T *CRYING* siyes ! huhuuhu :'( okeyyy ,aku dh nk STOP! dh ilang MOOD aku nihhh ,thats y aku mls nk cte bout dye lagi ,law aku cite plak .knfm hati aku sakit lagi :( aku dh taknak lagi ,aku dh FED-UP! aku dh L-E-T-I-H dgn everything !everything thats happen to me now ;(( huhuhu ,okeyy2 .back to our story ,then ,aku bunga api pun kedengaran . . . . . . lpastuhhh ,kteorg pun balekk .hmmm ,im soo TIRED ! :( i need to rest after this! after we smpai dkat rumah ,aku pun mandi kjapp .then ,otw nk msok tdo .okeyy ,time to sleep *zzZzzZzz* but ,time tuhh ,susah aku nk lelap kn mata aku but y ? y ? its too HARD u know ;( aku non-stop thinkin bout dye .hmmmm :/ aku terus nangis T__________T huhuhuhu ! aku fh tak sanggup nk hadapi smua nihh .aku dh fed-up ,terlebeh FEDUP! :( bile lagi nk STOP ?! aa ? bile ? :( pleaseeeeee ,aku dh taknak disakiti lagiiii :'( okeyy2 ,i still HEART u :'( sbab aku sayang kan kau lah ,aku biarkan ngakau mulekan hidup baru dgn girl baru ngkau ,perkare yg buat aku Happy ialah tengok ngkau bahagia :') walaupun aku sakit hati dgan ape yg kau buat dgn aku slame nihhh ,aku tak pernah marah dkat ngaku taku tak .aku sbar jerr :'( hmmm ,okok .guys ,aku nk STOP dkat cni jerrr .aku taknak cite panjang lebar lagi dhh .bye :'( FULLSTOP !
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