Friday, December 31, 2010
Hello 2011 :D Bye 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Antara Sinaran Lazer Ultraman & Twitter xD

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
smile :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hunny Amoi Kementot

Sunday, December 19, 2010
sak hati jak !
heyy , selamat malammmmm ! dh makan ? dah mandik ? awww ! :'( law aku dgar words yarr ,aku teringat dgan ex-boy aku ;( die slalu tanyak gn aku pya lok bh ,sbb yarr smpei knek aku sik kan stop m'cintai ny .hmmm ,actually aku still tak'dpt nk melupakan die nihh ,cos die caring sangattttt sangattttt .oke2 ,stop thinking bout him nymore ! aku dgn die dh n o t h i n g :'( gpun die dh ade 'new'girl .oke2 ,aku dh taknk sad sad lagi dh nihh ,aku mesti 'happy' :DD . hmmmm ;/ sokayyyy2 .i'll keep trying .ok ,tajuk aku pda malam ni 'sak hati jak !' haha xD ae ? pelik kan ? npe ttbe je *keanehan melanda *backk ! then tengok lh korang pics atas tuhh ,aku tengok mcm dh nak gelak ,hahah xD oke ,topik aku hari nihh pelik kan ? actually ,mcm nihh cte ny .aku tak on9 pagi tdi cos aku tkde mse .aku bs sangat2 plus ayah tak suruh aku on9 dulu plus nek as aku nk dtg ke rumah aku .aku tengok lh tv dgan aqmal ,kteorg tengok crte Clever .hahah ,bijakkk ? memang bijakkkkkkkkkkk ~! aku still ingat words tuhh .then lepas tengok cte tuhh ,ninek as pun dtg dgn family die .then mama and ayah bz borak2 dgn dieorg ,biase lh kalu kaum pompuan dh bertemu ,memang rancakk ! hahah ,even laki pon mcm tu jgak act ayah pun sme .lastly ,dieorg STOP gak berborak ,aku nihh dok diam je dpn tv .so boredddd giled babed *new words ? maybe .aha .then mama pun hidangkan makanan ,bnyk jgak lauk pauk diatas meja .aku pun ape lagi aku terus jenguk dapur then dh tak sbar plak nk mkn .aha .fyzah ,sabar fyzah ,sabar ~ then ,makang punye makang aku pun tengok tv kjap .aku sangat bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan teramatlahhhh sangattttt sangatttt B O S A N ! u get it ? hahah .then lepas tuhh ,dieorang pun balik .salam-bersalaman ,pelok-berepelukan >< *btw .no negative thinking pliz ! hahah .sekpa bh ,dont careeeeee ! petang tdi aku on9 terussss ,and check notifications aku yg penuh tuhh *malass lah plak -.-' aku pun kejut tengok 'MIRza Firefox commented on your link .aku
Friday, December 17, 2010
marahhhh !
WARNING: Do not read if you are not in the mood for extreme angst.
All my hopes and dreams were just destroyed. No big deal.
Looks like I’m going to end up being a hobo after all. But I’m okay. No, really. I’m fine.
This is what I get for listening to people who tell me that I’m smart. That I actually have a chance at success in this world. That I’m a leader. That I’m involved. That I’m a shoo-in. Thanks for getting my hopes up, everyone. I really effing appreciate it.
From now on, anyone who wants to tell me that I have a great future ahead of me, that I can achieve my dreams, that anything is possible, just do me a favor and
I just feel like curling up in my sock drawer and sleeping for the rest of my miserable, meaningless life. Today was such a good day, too. Until now.
I hate feeling like this. I usually try to be pretty happy and lighthearted about things, or at least act like I am. But this just plain sucks. I got my hopes up so high. I prayed like crazy. I listened to other people’s encouragement. UGH.
I can’t even find any more GIFs to express my mood. I feel like there is a storm inside my head. I just need to sleep.
Next person who messes with me is going to have hell to pay.
okey okey . aku dh tak dpt nk crite pnjg2 nihh . bye , hope korang enjoy k baca topik aku yg membosankan nihh . bye , tc !
Thursday, December 16, 2010
pujaan hati ^^

budak gila-.-'

Wednesday, December 15, 2010